Trekking through the Andes: The Inca Trail (Ecuador)

In July four of my regular hiking friends and I tackled the Ecuador section of the Inca Trail, along with one fellow hiker, the social media agent from the tour company, one guide, and one equine wrangler. The route takes three days to complete and requires a guide unless you're already very familiar with the… Continue reading Trekking through the Andes: The Inca Trail (Ecuador)

Trekking through the Andes – Fuya Fuya

It's been quite some time since my last blog post and the reasons are multiple. Yes, I've been busy. But that last post also took quite a lot out of me. And I wasn't ready to return to blogging as though all was right in my world. Turns out that much is also wrong in… Continue reading Trekking through the Andes – Fuya Fuya

A Modern Tragedy

Shakespeare’s tragedies are among the most well-known and well-loved literary works in history. They often involve cunning conspirators, double-crossings, and always death. Death of course is why it is called a tragedy. And not for the death of an up-in-years supporting character. No, the death is always that of the primary character(s) before it was… Continue reading A Modern Tragedy

Earthquake Part II

In my last post I wrote about the damage caused by Ecuador's big quake over a week ago. Since then there have been hundreds of aftershocks, some of which are quite large and have caused even more damage and further frightened an already shell-shocked population. Most of the country is fine. Most of the population… Continue reading Earthquake Part II

Close to Home: Ecuador’s Devastating Earthquake

As most of you have heard, Ecuador suffered a devastating earthquake on the evening of Saturday April 16, 2016. First, I want to assure everyone that my family is fine along with all of our friends and acquaintances here in Cotacachi. We are all safe and sound and didn't suffer any property damage. Now, on… Continue reading Close to Home: Ecuador’s Devastating Earthquake

180 Degrees of Adventure

By the beginning of 2015 our family had been in Ecuador for three years. We'd traveled the country and to surrounding nations. We'd launched, operated, and sold a successful restaurant. I delved into the world of freelance writing while David took on the challenge of teaching Spanish to expats. We met fascinating people and had… Continue reading 180 Degrees of Adventure

An American Musical Education in Ecuador

So you might think that living in a small Latin American town might be detrimental to the education of my sons. After all it can be tough to find quality education in rural areas of North America let alone that of Ecuador. And it's true that I do devote a good portion of my time… Continue reading An American Musical Education in Ecuador

Touring the Andean Farm Country

I’m not usually the type who likes to take group tours. I’ve been on a few and between the obnoxious know-it-all loudmouth tourists and the limitations on how far I can stray from the group it’s usually just not my cup of tea. But rules are made to be broken and I’m glad I broke… Continue reading Touring the Andean Farm Country

The Quick and Easy Method for Obtaining an Ecuadorean Driver’s License

One of the perks of living in Ecuador is the lack of needing a vehicle. Some expats buy a car when they move here because they want the freedom of their own wheels. Or maybe they have a business that requires hauling supplies around. Or they may be frequent travelers. And for those folks it… Continue reading The Quick and Easy Method for Obtaining an Ecuadorean Driver’s License